Talking about Prove It, Josh

Sono Nis Press filmed this short video of me talking about the process of writing Prove It, Josh.

Here’s the link on Youtube.

2 comments on “Talking about Prove It, Josh
  1. Gerry says:

    I am a grade 3 / 4 teacher and I have read this book to my students for many years now. I love sailing which is part of the appeal, but I also love kids who have a challenging time at school. This book really does a great job at opening up discussions about what it feels like to struggle with something. You are a fantastic writer!!

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment! It’s wonderful to hear that the story is a good starting point for conversations in your classroom – and a children’s writer dream. I’m currently submitting another manuscript and working on a third, so fingers crossed these books will find a publishing home soon!

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