Blog Archives

Gluing up the centerboard casing

The boatbuilder was back at work today on our John Welsford Navigator.

Over the last several years he’s been working on the boat off and on. We used to joke that it’s a boat in a bucket, since a lot of the parts were all standing up in a bucket. But now he’s starting to glue and screw the bits together, and soon we’ll have something that looks much more boat-like to admire from the kitchen window.

Today’s job was to glue up the centerboard casing. He’s done this once before and then discovered his measurements were wrong (he forgot to include the thickness of the keel plank). Fingers crossed it’s second time lucky!

On the writing front, I’ve created outline #45 (only a slight exaggeration!) to include some suggestions from my writing group. Now it’s just a matter of filling in the gaps (if only it were that easy!).

Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival

This weekend we went south of the border to Port Townsend for the Wooden Boat Festival.


This is the Lorraine, a folkboat, and one of my favorites.

Highlights included:

1. Research for a new writing project


This is Alison, teaching us how to attach sliders to the edge of the sail.


One of the many sewing machines in the sail loft.

2. Renewed enthusiasm for building the Navigator


This is Ellie, a Navigator designed by John Welsford of New Zealand. We have one of these on the back deck and we’re hoping it will look like this one day. While we were admiring her, we met another couple who are also building one.

3. Meeting John Welsford

Yes! Really!

4. Coffee from the lovely Heidi, aka Java Gypsy



When Patrick was at boat school, Heidi used to visit every day at morning tea time. She has an unbelievable memory for faces and names, and coffee orders, and her husband makes the best coffee in PT.

5. Thank goodness for ferry reservations


Back in Port Angeles, the ferries were completely chocka, so we were glad we had a reservation. There was just time for a short walk along the waterfront to admire these guys. Aren’t they cool!

Classic Boat Festival


It’s been a busy summer – a road trip to Jasper and back as volunteers for the Rocky Mountain 1200, friends and family to stay, and lots of work. This weekend we caught up with friends, visited the Classic Boat Festival, watched a cruise ship dock and the classic boats sail by from the end of the breakwater at Ogden Point, and kayaked in the gorge. A good weekend! A break from writing, but sometimes that’s what you need.
