Monthly Archives: November 2014

Silver Birch Express nominee

On October 15, the Forest of Reading nominees were announced and I was absolutely thrilled to find out that Prove It, Josh was nominated for the Silver Birch Express award.

The Forest of Reading® is Canada’s largest recreational reading program. It’s an initiative of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) that offers eight reading programs to encourage a love of reading in people of all ages. The Forest® helps celebrate Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators. More than 250,000 readers participate annually from their school and/or public library. All Ontarians/Canadians are invited to participate via their local public library, school library, or individually.

The Silver Birch Express award, which is the category Prove It, Josh was nominated in, is for books meant for readers aged 8 to 12, from Grades 3-6, but focusing on the lower grade levels and reluctant readers. Readers read the books and vote on their favorites.

It’s super exciting to know that Prove It, Josh will be read by thousands of children, some of whom I’ll get to meet when I go to Toronto for the Festival of Trees in May 2015. I can’t say a big enough THANK YOU to the Ontario Library Association and the Forest committee for the nomination.

And…. Prove It, Josh gets a new cover, with a Silver Birch Express nominee decal. How cool is that!

Prove it Josh

